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Kidscharacterbuilding Blogpost

I'll be checking how you are doing building good character in your kids. Moral intelligence is crucial for their future. I'll give you free resouces to help you along the way.

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Study Guide on "What Is An Immigrant?" For Elementary Kids

Immigration is a topic one could not avoid in the past few years, specially if you are living in the United States. No matter what side of the political spectrum one is, it’s also a much-needed conversation. Sadly enough, it’s also a conversation that too often leave kids out. I just published an educational booklet on immigration to let our young people in on the discussion. Designed wit...
Immigration Study Guide

Study Guide on "What Is An Immigrant?" For Elementary Kids

| Jean-Yves Marsolais | Blog-Newsletter
Immigration is a topic one could not avoid in the past few years, specially if you are living in the United States. No matter what side of the political spectrum one is, it’s also a much-needed conversation. Sadly enough, it’s also a conversation that too often leave kids out. I just published...
angry mother

Mother sticks bar of soap in 7 year old child’s mouth!

| Jean-Yves Marsolais | Blog-Newsletter
When I was a kid, I would play hockey in the street or in our driveway beside the house. I grew up in Canada before video games existed, so one actually went outside and played street hockey. My mom (and dad) had warned me that swearing and bad language would not be tolerated. She had threatened...

Understanding and Dealing with Fear for Kids

| Jean-Yves Marsolais | Blog-Newsletter
A Character Education Booklet for Kids on Fear Fear - What it is and how it works There has been much said about fear this past year If i'm honest, I had my share of worries. I’ve been directing a group home for people with intellectual and physical disabilities during this Pandemic. At the...
Syrian refugee Crisis

Discussion guide for elementary kids on the Syrian refugee crisis

| Jean-Yves Marsolais | Blog-Newsletter
You and I have heard lots on this world event in the past weeks. At the time I write this, few people know where this is leading us. We have seen tons of news reports and opinion clips from politicians and citizens alike stating their position and concerns on Syrian refugees. No doubt, no mat...
Geo-Location discussion guide

Discovery Guide and Video Animation for Kids on Geo-Location

| Jean-Yves Marsolais | Blog-Newsletter
Have you ever heard about “Geo-location” or “Geo-tagging”? Most people would answer yes, but few would really know what it is all about, even less are able to explain to kids. Geo-location is fun, effective and practical. Geo-location can be very dangerous. There are several internet post fo...