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Character Education Booklets

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Educational guide on Fear

Discussion Guide on "Fear"

Kids' magazine & Lesson Plans
This colorful educational booklet is part of our “Real-Life” series which uses publicly available videos (suitable for elementary grades) to generate lively discussions in your classroom. the resou...

What is "My Character?"

Booklet explaining character to children
Character Building (Hint: It’s more than just a person in a story) Picture your best friend. Maybe she wears glasses. Maybe he’s a great piano player. She keeps your secrets. He has two sister...
Street Drugs educational booklet

Street Drugs

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Street drugs, Is that really what you think it is? The terrible truth about illegal drugs and people who sell them.

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A Short-Lived Secret

Today, our third day at Camp Sewanee, my friend Rachel and I got up early so we could go help set up the dining hall. Well, mostly so that Rachel could get the Early Bird award for being the first one to come over and help. Rachel will try for any prize anyone offers. She'd missed her chance yesterday because she stopped to talk with Dwight.

Latest Blog Posts

Study Guide on " What is an immigrant?" for elementary kids.

Immigration is a topic one could not avoid in the past few years, specially if you are living in the United States.

No matter what side of the political spectrum one is, it’s also a much-needed conversation.

Sadly enough, it’s also a conversation that too often leave kids out.

I published an educational booklet on immigration to let our young people in on the discussion.